This is a special formulation that was developed to address recurring problems in reproducibility of beige/khaki shades. Further, using this beige shade as a base, several other earthy shades can be created with improved reproducibility.
Reproducibility in Beige shades is a common issue in many dyeing houses. In spite of all precautions and monitoring, consistency is not achieved due to issues such as Improper compatibility of dyes, Poor robustness of dyes, Mistakes in weighing small quantities.
Keeping in mind these difficulties faced by the dyers, Astik has designed a highly robust color namely Meactive Beige F3G that resolves the problems of reproducibility by giving a consistent shade for every lot. Thus reducing redyeing / shade correction costs, by helping dyers to achieve RFT production.
Key Features
Specific tones such as Khaki, Earthy can be achieved using toning components as recommended by us.
Can be applied by Exhaust, CPB and Continuous dyeing applications.
Meets RSL requirements of ZDHC,GOTS, Blue Sign, Oeko Tex 100 and all leading brands.